
Runs just a list of Dense Layers (defined by m.mdense* and by the parameter q, which gives width and number of Layers) on the last axis of the input data


  • g: A grap Class containing an Adjacency Matrix and a Feature vector, as well as a state Class containing the current standart Values for gs(=Graph Size, Number of Nodes in the Graph) and param (=Parameter Count, Number of Features for each Node)
  • m: The Constants defining the Function Behaviours (matching Parameters below)
  • q: An Array setting the size of each Layer [8,4,7] creates 3 Dense Layers with 8,4 and 7 nodes respectively

Constants defined in m

  • mdense_activation=”relu”: The Activation of each Dense Layer
  • mdense_init_kernel=tf.keras.initializers.Identity(): Kernel Initializer of each Layer
  • mdense_init_bias=tf.keras.initializers.Zeros(): Bias Initializer of each Layer
  • mdense_usebias=True: Should this Networks use a Bias Term
  • mdense_batchnorm=False: Should you use a BatchNormalisationLayer after each Layer