
Takes Two Adjacency Matrices of size c*gs and combines them in a way defined by mode. Here by setting the graph to size c*gs instead of gs is done just for consitency in a function


  • c*gs: The Number of Nodes of each Graph.
  • mode: either “and”,”prod”,”or” or “sum”. Here “and” and “or” are Rounded versions of “prod” and “sum” respectively. The kind of Transformation that combines the Graphs.
  • cut=0.5: Where to round the graph after the mode transformation, Each Value above cut will be set to 1 and each value below to 0, each Value that is equal to cut will be also set to 1
  • c_const=1000: Since the Rounding is implementet using relus (relu(1+c_const*(X-cut))-relu(c_const*(X-cut))) , you require a numerical constant to decide how fast the rounding function goes from 0 to 1. This could be set higher, but this could result in diverging gradients.